
Friday 7th May 2021

Weekly Parent Letter – Year 2

Friday 7th May 2021


Dear Parents,

We’ve had another amazing week! We’ve been making clocks and practising telling the time to o’clock and half past. We’ve started reading our new story ‘The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark’ and looked for micro-habitats in the Wildlife Area.



Please complete another activity from the Year 2 homework grid. No evidence is needed for the maths activity. Please could you date the activity on the grid when they are completed.



  • As we are due to start swimming soon it would be helpful if you could complete this questionnaire by Thursday 20th May.


Many thanks,

Miss Nichols, Mrs Patterson and Mrs Renahan



Wishing everyone a lovely summer break! We look forward to welcoming Years 1-6 back into school at 8.45am on Tuesday 3rd September 2024.