
Friday 25th March 2022

Year 1 Weekly Information Letter

Friday 25th March 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,


The children have enjoyed learning outside in the sunshine this week. They have been making potions to help their understanding of volume and capacity. Using the big apparatus in the hall for gymnastics was a big hit in PE. Year 1 have been fascinated by Mae Jemison and thank you for helping your child to find facts about her amazing life.


Please find some information to help support your child over the next week.



We will continue to study the book “Look Up” and think about Space exploration. They will be acting out parts of the story in their teams and writing about why they would like to go into space.



We will carry out individual phonics assessments with the children next week. This will replace the 1:1 reading which would normally take place. We will change books as normal. These assessments inform us of your child’s next steps and we will send home the sounds and words your child needs to practise.



The children will continue to consolidate their understanding of measurement. The focus will be mass. They will have practical lessons on comparing the weights of objects.



Use either a ruler, tape measure or measuring jug to measure in centimetres (cm) or millilitres (ml). Please support your child with this. This will support the learning which has taken place in school this past week.


Sports Stars

Thank you so much for all of the pictures that you have sent in. The display celebrating the children’s achievements looks fantastic.


Easter basket parade

Please help your child to decorate an Easter basket for the parade which takes place on Thursday 31st March at 9am. The baskets can be brought into school on the day of the parade and children can wear Spring colours rather than school uniform.



  • PE will still take place on Tuesday and Friday next week. Children should wear their PE kit to school on these days.
  • Term ends at 2:30pm on Friday 1st April



Thank you for your ongoing support.


Miss S Nichols

Mr R Bowie


Mrs T Hitchcock

Wishing everyone a lovely summer break! We look forward to welcoming Years 1-6 back into school at 8.45am on Tuesday 3rd September 2024.