
w/c 29th Sept

Dear Year 5 ,


We hope that you are enjoying the new term and settling back into school life. Below is a summary of this week's learning and suggested activities if you are unable to attend school this week.



    In Maths, we are continuing to learn about place value, with a focus on negative numbers and Roman numerals. We will then be moving on to begin a new unit on 4 digit addition.

The following links cover negative numbers and 4 digit addition: and

    In English, we are developing our letter writing skills. We are writing in role as one of the parents of the main character, Liam from our core text, Cosmic. The children will be tasked with writing a letter of advice to their misbehaving son.The following website has advice on how to structure a letter:

    In RE we are continuing our Sikhism topic and exploring the question, 'What does it mean to be equal?' with a focus also on Sikh festivals. The following link on 'Vaisakhi' will help build on the children's current understanding:


Best Wishes,

The Year 5 team


Welcome to the 2024-2025 Academic Year! For dates and information on Reception 2025 School Tours in October and November, please call the School Office on 020 8894 4777.