
Home Learning

Summer Term

Loose Parts Inspiration

Summer 1

Spring Term

UPDATE: Friday 3rd April 2020

Dear everyone,  

Firstly, we would like to thank everyone for all your support this term, it has been a rather interesting end of term!  We are very proud of the Year 3 children and how hard they have worked this term. We especially loved their Assembly and I am sure you will agree that it was fantastic. The children have also had a really productive term with their learning and we know many of them particularly enjoyed the  ‘Reptile Workshop’. 

In the last couple of weeks, we have loved seeing the children’s work on j2e,  please  do make sure that children upload their work.  We are expecting all children to upload one piece of English and one piece of maths each week during term time. We are giving out j2e stars for children who have been working particularly hard!

Now that it is the Easter holidays, we do not expect the children to be doing school work, however we do have some suggestions for activities to keep them entertained.

They can use the table below to tick off those activities completed. However, please do not let this table dominate the holidays!

Best wishes for a healthy and happy Easter. 

Mrs Tranter and Mr Kent 


Activity I did it!
Create or take part in an Easter egg hunt in your home or garden.  
Make and Easter bonnet.  
Try making some hot cross buns or Easter biscuits.  
Read as many stories as you can.  
Paint a picture of your favourite animal.  
Make and Easter card for a member of your family.  
Learn a magic trick.  
Try to be active for at least 10 minutes a day.


Watch an Andrew Lloyd Webber musical on Youtube.


UPDATE 29th MARCH 2020


Dear Year 3 Parents and Carers,

We hope that your child’s first week of Home Learning has been a positive experience and that they have managed to continue learning- we have missed having the children in class. Please do make sure that any presentations are uploaded on J2E which we will mark. Also, please do ensure that children are using Times Table Rock Stars, we are monitoring their use and ask them to challenge us! 


During the week commencing 30th March, we would like the children to continue with the SPaG, English, Maths, science, art and PE tasks detailed in their timetable and the home learning activity logs.


As an additional online tool to help with PE while staying at home, the school has also been granted use of the 5-a-day dance website:




USERNAME: 5-a-dayAtHome


For this week we would also like your child to do the following:

  •  PSHE, a fun activity might be to draw a few small Easter themed pictures that your child can then use to create an Easter treasure hunt in the house/garden. They could hide these themselves for someone else to find or ask a family member to hide the images for them to find.
  • If your child would like to make an Easter Bonnet please do update a picture to J2E as we would love to see it.


Every child now has a folder on J2E, where they are able to save any completed work or photos/files they wish to upload.  Please do support  your child's learning by encouraging them to upload photos or files.  Saved on the Year 3 Home Learning page are instructions that explain how to use MyUSO and complete or upload work on J2E. 

If you or your child have any queries about the tasks or any other element of this letter, please do not hesitate to contact your teacher via J2e (upload your query and we will aim to help in any way we can).


Thank you again for all your support during these uncertain times and we wish you all a restful and peaceful Easter break.


Happy Easter,


The Year 3 Team

Welcome to Year 3's home learning page.  Everything you need to continue your learning at home will be on here and updated when necessary.  You took home everything you need for the next two weeks on Friday, so you are ready to get started.  We have put the timetable, Maths log and English log pages on here too so you have copies of these as well as in your folder.  We went through everything in class on Friday- remember the school website and My USO are going to be the places to visit regularly to keep you up to date and help with your learning. 


In the pack, you should have received:

Core text reading book- to read throughout your home learning time

Reading log- tasks to complete (if all are completed, some could be chosen again with a different book)

Abacus maths text book- to work through daily,  20-30 min a day

Schofield and Simms- to work through daily, 10-20 min a day

Classroom secrets maths sheets- 2-3 times per week, 20-30 mins

SPaG worksheets- 2-3 times per week, 20-30 mins


Spellings are lists 3d, 3e and 3f- all are available on j2spell blast (along with a list of all the Y3/4 expected spellings)


Any work completed on j2e will be monitored and commented on regularly by your class teacher.


We want to thank you for all your support as they continue their learning journey at home.


We will update our home learning page weekly on a Friday.


The Year 3 Team


Please use to access the resources your teachers have chosen for your year group.

The children's MyUSO login gives access to a number of resources.


The school  login details for Espresso are 

Username: student22947

Password: acps1842


We have recently added a link to Numbots, a program that supports development of key number facts.

The login for Numbots is the same as the login for 

Wishing everyone a lovely summer break! We look forward to welcoming Years 1-6 back into school at 8.45am on Tuesday 3rd September 2024.