
Friday 13th November 2020

Parent weekly letter – Year 2

Friday 13th November 2020

Dear Parents,

Thank you for your continued support. We marked Remembrance Day with a two minute silence. The children stood beautifully silent and we were very proud of them.



Topic: We have continued learning about different landmarks from around The U.K. Please help your child to make a landmark using recycled materials. We have discussed different kinds of materials with the children in their Science lessons. The children should be very much involved with the making as they will be required to write about this at a later date.

The children will have 2 weeks to complete this homework. Landmark models need to be in school by Monday 30th November at the latest. If models are completed before this date they may be sent into school.


Maths: This week we have been continuing to explore Money. We have practised finding change by counting on using a number line. The children need to count on from the price of their object to the coins that they would pay with.


Spelling: Please complete the attached spelling sheet using the: Look, Say, Write, and Check method. The children will be tested on these words next Wednesday. Please keep the spelling sheets at home to continue learning the spellings. These are also used to reinforce correct letter formation.


Notices: Reminder: Next Friday 20th November is an Inset Day and the school is closed to the children.


Many thanks,

Miss Nichols, Mrs Patterson and Mrs Renahan

For dates and information on Reception 2025 School Tours in October and November, please call the School Office on 020 8894 4777.