
Thursday 19th November 2021

Year 1 Weekly Information Letter

Thursday 18th November 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,


The children have enjoyed learning songs for their Nativity which we are performing with Year 2 this year. The Superheroes topic has been great fun and Traction Man has enthused the children. This was particularly, whilst completing a Science experiment to find out the best material for a Traction Man waterproof suit.



Thank you for helping your child complete their homework. It is important that the homework is a shared activity and that the homework is fully completed. Children are expected to complete 2 activities per week. The homework is to be handed in no later than the following Wednesday. (Apologies from Mr Bowie for forgetting to give the homework folders out last Friday)



Next week, the children will be continuing to focus on Traction Man. We will be acting and using character voices and will be writing about whether Traction man is a true superhero. When reading with your child, please encourage them to change their voice when a character is speaking. If you do have any books with superheroes in them, this would work especially well. We will also continue to model this to the children during our daily Storytime.



Please continue to listen to your child read every day and record this in their Reading diary. Please remember that once your child is reading longer books, they do not need to complete the whole book in one go. We would expect the children for 5-10 minutes per day.



We will continue to work on counting back on the number line (subtraction). We will also be finding the difference between two quantities during our maths lessons. Any number games to support this learning would be helpful. There are a number of addition and subtraction games on Busy Things. We would really like the children to play the ‘Splash and Dash’ game which is accessible through their My USO login.



Children now have logins for Numbots which is a maths based game which is fun and engaging for the children. See attached sheet below on how to access and play. We will not be setting specific games to play but please log in and play when you would like. ​



A reminder that on Friday 19th November (tomorrow) the school is closed for an INSET Day.


Thank you for your continued support.

Miss S Nichols

Mr R Bowie

Mrs T Hitchcock

Mrs M Williamson

Wishing everyone a lovely summer break! We look forward to welcoming Years 1-6 back into school at 8.45am on Tuesday 3rd September 2024.