
Friday 24th September 2021

Year 1 Weekly Information Letter

24th September 2021



Dear Parents and Carers


This week the children have enjoyed the lovely weather. Some highlights have included: exploring the Wildlife Area to sketch mini beasts, running games and reaction times in the junior playground for PE and attending our first singing assembly along with Reception and Year 2.


Please find information below to help you support child at home and prepare for the next week.



Next Tuesday we will be doing outside PE due to Reception using the hall next week. We will continue to learn running games with the focus being on working together.



The focus will be Ordinal numbers and finding missing numbers on a number line.  



Thank you for ensuring your child brings in their reading diary every day and for all of the comments, your feedback is very helpful. Please practise the sounds in the middle of the Reading diary with your child and tick off the ones which they know confidently. Here is a link to a video of the Phase 3 sounds to support your child.



All children should now bring a coat to school. Please ensure that this is labelled with their name and appropriate for the weather. Please also help your child practise fastening the zip independently.



Next week will be celebrating Harvest. This year we will be joining with the Holy Trinity Church collection of food for SPEAR homeless charity and our local Richmond Foodbank. Please see last week’s newsletter for items that SPEAR charity have asked for. All donations are greatly appreciated.


We hope you have a restful weekend, thank you for your support.


The Year 1 Team:

Mr R Bowie

Miss S Nichols

Mrs M Williamson

Mrs T Hitchcock


For dates and information on Reception 2025 School Tours in October and November, please call the School Office on 020 8894 4777.