Year 1 Weekly Information Letter
Friday 7th January
Dear Parents and Carers,
Happy New Year!
Welcome back to Spring Term 2021! We hope you had a restful Christmas break. Thank you again for your very generous gifts, messages and cards.
It’s been lovely being back, the children have had a great start to the new term.
Please find some information to help support your child over the next week.
Inside your child’s homework folder is a new list of spellings for this term. We would like children to complete only one spelling activity each week, as we will be setting other homework activities from now on. Folders will continue to be sent home each Friday and should be returned the following Wednesday. A copy of the spellings can be found below.
Please play the following games on Place Value. We have been learning about tens and ones in class. The children have learnt that 12 is one lot of ten and 2 ones.
Place Value Basketball - Dienes Game for 5 to 8 Year Olds (
Place Value Games for Kids Online - SplashLearn
Topic (optional)
Next week we will begin our topic on Animals including humans. During the week we will be learning about different types of animals and animal groups, for example – birds, fish, reptiles, mammals and amphibians. We would like the children to give us an example of a mammal and tell us a fact about their chosen animal. The children will have the opportunity to share these with the rest of the class next week.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Miss S Nichols
Mr R Bowie
Mrs T Hitchcock