
w/c 18th Jan

Dear Year 5,


Well done for all the amazing home learning you have completed this week.  We have really loved seeing everything you have done and we hope you are enjoying your learning.  We are looking forward to reading your completed Hatshepsut biographies over the coming days. Do not worry if you have not quite finished: you will have an opportunity to do so in Monday's English lesson or you can simply spend some time improving your work to make it even better!


We have really enjoyed seeing you on the Teams meetings we have had this week.  The times of these meetings will be the same as this week's with one small amendment: Thursday's Masterminds meeting (5G) will be at 10am instead of 11am. Cygnus (5M) will continue to meet at 10am on a Friday. 

Full details below:

Monday 18th Jan:

5M Andromeda 10.00 

5G Superstars 11.00 

Tuesday 19th Jan:

5M Orion 10.00 

5G Genius Gems 14.00 

Wednesday 20th Jan:

5M Pegasus 10.00 

5G Clever Cookies 11.00 

Thursday 21st Jan:

5G Masterminds 10.00

Friday 22nd Jan:

5M Cygnus 10.00 


We have also introduced the registration meeting today.  It was lovely to see so many of you and know you were ready for the day ahead.  Don't worry if you missed today's meeting but try to be ready next time as we will be continuing these next week everyday at 9am.  Be ready to join our meeting a few minutes before if possible, but please do not start the meeting: wait for your teacher to do so.


This week we are continuing to learn about properties of materials in Science, division in maths and Ancient Egypt in History and Art, where you will be learning some skills for improving sketching techniques.  In English, we will be learning about the Ancient Egyptian king Tutankhamun and the incredible story behind the discovery of his tomb. We will also begin a new guided reading book called 'The Red Pyramid' by Rick Riordan. You can read the first chapter by the following the link on this week's timetable (this is scheduled for Tuesday afternoon.) Please continue to upload the required pieces of work as highlighted on the timetable and we will comment on these on My USO.  


The teachers have all been challenging themselves to learn how to make a virtual lesson this week! You will find links to video lessons for English on Wednesday and Art on Friday on the timetable. Please note you will need your Microsoft Teams log in to view the English lesson. We are aiming to produce more of these for future home learning lessons as we improve our video making skills! 


Many thanks to all parents for all your support with the home learning and please do get in touch if you have any questions, comments or feedback on Teams or the year group email:


The Year 5 team

Wishing everyone a lovely summer break! We look forward to welcoming Years 1-6 back into school at 8.45am on Tuesday 3rd September 2024.