

Welcome to Y6!

News Flash: In the Spring Term, our indoor PE day will be a Friday- children will need to come to school in PE kit on Wednesdays and Fridays

Key Information

For those of you who could not make it to our Curriculum Evening, please find a copy of the PowerPoint below. Documents from the evening were sent home with the children. 

Well done to Noah (6D) and Seb (6H) for getting the most flips in a minute! 

Ratio Language

PE- Hockey- Team skills

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Last term, we explored what make a good leader; we are putting this to practice in our Hockey sessions. Encouragement, support and strategy is key.

Attacking Play

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Calling Skills

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We worked on making ourselves known to other players, although we recognised our next step is to find space.

Cooking- Mexican Street Food


We have had great fun this week cooking Mexican street food. After half term, we will designing our own brand, completing consumer research and publishing our Street Food websites. Over the half term, we will need to rather as much data has possible to assist us in our designing process! 

Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution! 

We have loved discovering all the texts around our Core text What Mr Darwin Saw. Can't wait to see what we can find in the library about our new learning: Mexico! 

RE Day!

Christmas Performance

Archie's Christmas: It is show time! 

We are being ecologically conscious this year and all our programmes are downloadable for you to keep forever! Thanks to Cooper, Jessica, Lara and Ruby for their lovely programme designs. 

We were all very excited to welcome you to our Upper KS2 performance - Archie's Christmas- this week. Big THANK YOU to Mrs Archibald for her camera skills during our first  dress run through! 


Science: Discovering Darwin's Theory of Adaptation

In the Autumn term, we have been learning all about Charles Darwin; he is known for his theory of evolution by natural selection. According to this theory, all living things are struggling to survive. Therefore, the living things that have the most helpful features for their environment tend to survive. These living things then pass along their helpful traits to their young.

Maths: TTRS- Our most valuable players!

DT Update: We are beginning to Modroc our structures! Its messy but fun!

DT: Constructing a solid form! Will it stand the test?

After completing our product research and consumer survey, we designed our pull-along toys. We know these will have to be strong to stand the test of our consumers (Reception class)!

In our PE lessons this term, we thought about what makes a good leader. Before this lesson, we drew cartoons of a good leader: big ears to show great listening skills; wide eyes for looking out for others; strong heart for caring for others' feeling; quick thinking brain for problem solving or tactics. We put these characteristics to the test during a series of challenging activities! 

Great fun at Junior Citizen!

We had great fun at NPL finding out how to show good citizenship. We met firefights, the police service, sea rescue, the ambulance service, dogs trust and many more.  

Wishing everyone a lovely summer break! We look forward to welcoming Years 1-6 back into school at 8.45am on Tuesday 3rd September 2024.