
Fanplastic Art Exhbition

Sir Vince Cable MP was the guest of honour at our 'Ocean of Plastic' Art Exhibition held on the school grounds on Thursday 20th June.  Each year group produced an installation made of plastic, highlighting the damage our plastic waste is causing the planet and particularly the oceans.  The exhibition was primarily organised by Miss Cliffe and a team of staff and followed weeks of plastic donations from children and parents.  During the evening, families were able to walk through the school grounds to view the turtle tunnel, our plastic bag polar bear and igloo made of milk bottles, skeleton of a whale made from various plastic containers, the coral reef and bottle fish and the bubble wrap jelly fish. Our Tuesday Art Club exhibited their ocean paintings and fish drawings. Year 4's Turner House Project pictures were also on display.  Children had also written about their feelings towards the plastic pollution to accompany their installation.   Comments from our visitor's book include: 'What an absolutely incredible exhibition.  Thank you so much to everyone involved in bringing such an important message to our children in such a creative and moving way.  So proud to be part of an incredible school'  'Lovely evening, fantastic art, brilliantly organised.  Thank you.' 'I thought the art installation was amazing.  The children have worked so hard and created beautiful pieces that are really thought provoking.  Well done!' 
Happy New Year! Welcome to the Spring Term 2025! For information on Nursery September 2025 Admission tours in January & February 2025, please call the School Office on 020 8894 4777.