We enjoyed a busy festive season at the end of the year which began with the Christmas Fayre and Family Presents Stall organised by the PTA at the beginning of December. The halls were decorated with holly and bells, coloured in by the children, and staff, parents and children enjoyed seasonal refreshments, music, games and shopping. Our Nursery entertained their parents with their annual Sing-a-Longs and our Junior and Infant Choirs were also very busy singing both in school and to the outside community throughout December. Reception and Year 1 and Years 2 & 3 performed in some wonderful nativities re-telling the Christmas Story through singing, dance and acting. Years 4, 5 & 6 combined together for 3 performances of a fabulous musical production of ‘Scrooge’. Congratulations to children and staff involved in all the productions; their hard work was rewarded with some of the best productions we have enjoyed. During the final week of term the whole school participated in RE Day, enjoyed our Christmas Lunch wearing Christmas Jumpers, celebrated with Class Parties and finally enjoyed a performance of Rumpelstiltskin by the Globe Players in their 41st annual visit to the school.