
Admissions Policy 2020/21 Consultation

Admission Policy – Archdeacon Cambridge’s School


The Governing Body has agreed the proposed admission arrangements for 2020/21 and is now consulting with parents and other local admission authorities before agreeing the final Admission Policy.  There are no material changes to the Admissions Policy since our last consultation.


This consultation will run for 6 weeks to 31st January 2019. If you would like to comment on the arrangements, please e mail or send your comments by post to Admissions Consultation, Archdeacon Cambridge’s CE Primary School, The Green, Twickenham, Middx, TW2 5TU.


A copy of the proposed policy is available under the Admissions Section of our website.


Our final tour for September 2025 Nursery Admissions will take place on Tuesday 25th February 2025. Please call the School Office on 020 8894 4777 to book a place.